Buy­ing a Ke­tubah on top of all the oth­er wed­ding ex­pens­es can be ex­pen­sive. For many cou­ples who de­sire a Ke­tubah, but don’t want any­thing too ba­sic or too lav­ish, there tends to be lit­tle to no op­tions out there. The Sim­ple Ke­tubot from Or­tho­dox seems to find the mid­dle ground of bud­get friend­ly and gor­geous de­signs. They have com­bined both el­e­ments seam­less­ly while al­so hav­ing tons of op­tions to choose from!  All their Sim­ple Ke­tubot are $100 and have gor­geous bor­ders with vary­ing de­signs — the per­fect choice for a cou­ple that wants some­thing more ba­sic, but still want a touch of beau­ti­ful art.