Every Ke­tubah means some­thing spe­cial. It is, af­ter all, a sym­bol that rep­re­sents the love and com­mit­ment a cou­ple ex­hibits for one an­oth­er. Few ke­tubot, how­ev­er, push the bound­ary of cre­ativ­i­ty and orig­i­nal­i­ty like the Life In Tech­ni­col­or Ke­tubah. This Is Not A Ke­tubah have not on­ly har­nessed the es­sen­tial sym­bol­ism of a cou­ple’s union, but have al­so man­aged to in­cor­po­rate a com­plete­ly fresh and dif­fer­ent style of ke­tubot. Life In Tech­ni­col­or re­ceives the Most Orig­i­nal Ke­tubah award for giv­ing us a new way to look at a time-hon­ored tradition.