Ke­tubot Art is such an im­por­tant and time hon­ored tra­di­tion. Some­thing so beau­ti­ful and unique de­serves a work of art that can hon­or that tra­di­tion per­fect­ly — some­thing that will be in­flu­enced by our roots and back­ground. The Am­s­ter­dam Ke­tubah by Or­tho­dox Ke­tubot is a beau­ti­ful work of art that ex­hibits the Jew­ish in­flu­ence in Hol­land through­out many cen­turies. The in­tri­cate de­sign and soft col­ors is a blend of Sephar­di and Ashke­naz­im tra­di­tion and makes for the best His­tor­i­cal Ke­tubah out there.